Seniors Medical Alert System: Save Your Elderly From Falling

Wise Choice in Home Care
3 min readApr 28, 2021

Senior medical alert systems can provide your elderly loved ones with added protection. Feeling confident that they’re safe is definitely a challenge, but the right approach could make it easier.

Medical Alert System is one the best Assistive Technology Tools for Seniors. Installing a medical alarm system at home brings peace of mind. With this setup in place, you will always know that your parents and loved ones can get assistance if needed.

Basically, it consists of a console, which is hooked up to a phone line, and a lightweight SOS button, which can be worn around the neck or on the wrist. It’s also referred to as fall detection or PERS.

Medical Alert System for Seniors: Background

Falling is one of the leading causes of hospitalization for older people. People 65 and older can be at high risk for falls.

When someone grows older, the risks increase, and every fall can result in a more serious injury such as a fracture and trauma.

The effects of falling and remaining on the ground for more than a few hours can be serious. Such complications include hypothermia, dehydration, muscle breakdown, pressure ulcers, and even kidney failure.

Seniors become physically weaker as they age, but they are also more likely to suffer from ailments and diseases. Aside from the fall hazard, as people grow older, they become physically less fit their age before.

Being surrounded by help such as nurses or therapists can provide assurance to seniors recovering from surgeries or moving through physical therapy.

These systems which are monitored by professionals ensure that there is always someone able to provide them the assistance they need.

These systems are not only for the needs of individuals at home. They are often deployed by hospital operators, nursing homes, or other home health facilities.

Advantages Of Medical Alert Systems

The visitor can call 911 if they fall or slip in the shower and are unable to get up. An emergency contact will be connected directly to a monitoring representative.

A disabled individual or older individual finds themselves living alone, without the support of their own children. Perhaps they work in distant cities or have their own family to attend to.

Although other people in the immediate vicinity are limited, a medical alert system makes sure that assistance can be reached.

These systems will provide the elderly with the independence and security needed — the elderly prefer to live independently, but they still want to have the life they used to have.

These systems can delay the move to a nursing home, thereby reducing the expenses. Furthermore, for some people, living independently enhances their sense of self-worth and freedom.

It offers peace of mind to elderly users and their families. Humans are constantly worried about what should happen to them or a loved one in case of an emergency. By setting up a system at home, we reduce stress levels and anxiousness.

Medical alert systems are like insurance: we purchase them in hopes that nothing terrible will happen, but it is still important to test them periodically in order to make sure everything is working properly. Test calls are free.

Additional Considerations While Buying Medical Alert System

There are numerous reasons why the elderly may be reluctant to use the system, from personal fears and worries to dislikes of being forced into a disability category. Do not force the issue, and try to determine where the real barrier is by taking a step back and identifying the real objection.

Senior citizens do benefit from medical alert systems, but the children and relatives have to make sure the button is actually worn.

There have been instances in which a senior fell and was unable to ask for help because the button was just hanging in the room, or left in the kitchen.

Despite its long history, senior medical alert systems still possess a high level of interest because many think that they can literally save lives.

With a system in place at home, help is always close at hand. Testimonials confirm this value.



Wise Choice in Home Care

Wise Choice in Home Care is a home care company in sydney providing services of elderly care, home care and disability.